Smangus is located in the remote mountain of Jianshi township in Hsinchu. Smangus consists of Atayal aborigines and was completely isolated from the outside world. Since the giant ancient tree was discovered, the tourists started to arrive. The tribe was almost split due to the interest conflict among the residents after the tourists came in. In order to keep the tribe to stay intact, residents started to realize that they needed to build teamwork, cooperate, and develop lodgings, orchards, and restaurants together. Smangus has developed a “Cooperative Management” system which is also the first “kibbutz” in Taiwan.
As soon as you walk into Smangus, you would feel like walking into a tribal art fair. All natural art wood sculptures were made by the aborigines in the village, from the large size, such as the giant carving, tribal map, to the smaller size of road and direction signs…etc. Homes were made by the woods or bamboos on the slope hills. Each home does not have the pattern door sign, but with a special art sculpture. They don’t use numbers on the door sign either, but use “Whose home” instead which seems to make a closer connection between the visitors and home owners.
If you look at the door signs closely, you will find that there are different totems on it. If you see the weave mark totem, it means that the home owners have the specialty in the fabrics weaving. If you see the hunting knife totem, it means the home owners have the hunting skill approved by the tribe. If you see the millet or corn totem, it means the owner of the home has the leading farming skill. The most common totem sign is the “Shining Home” which means that they are still learning. Each totem design must be approved by the entire tribe residents. They represent the status of the residents, and are also recognitions of their skills.
Smangus had electricity in 1979 and is no longer in the dark. Modern civilization did not let the residents forget protecting their natural environment. The residents utilized natural materials such as rotten pine tree to make street lamp covers, allowing the modern to be blended in the nature. These lamp covers not only have creative and artistic designs, but also are eco-friendly. Wandering in town, you would see surprises in each street corner. Art to Smangus residents is not a theory, but is a daily life reflection.
A long time ago, a hero named Mangus brought the tribe to this mountain to settle from the southern part of Taiwan. In the memory of Mangus, the place was named after him with “S” in front of his name to show the respect. Here is “Smangus” originally from.
A round shape of wood sculpture is located in the public square, named " Tree of Life". Mangus was sculptured with his left hand placed on the waist and carrying a mortar on his right shoulder. A hunting dog sits next to him. Hunting was the way of living. However, who and when were allowed to hunt must follow the rules. People could only hunt for what they needed. They had strict environmental sense in order to protect the natural resources.
You often see the black dog on the streets. There are only 28 homes with 165 residents; however, there are at least 41 black dogs. That means every 3-4 residents have a dog which shows a pretty high ratio. As we know, dogs have been always human’s good partners. Dogs can protect hunters in the wild and watch over for them when they are resting.
Smangus is a smoking prohibited community to maintain its environment safe from fire and cooking activities.
Smangus is filled of forest green and flowers and has a pleasant climate. Even in the hot summer time, you would enjoy the coolness under the shades.
There are lots of pavilions in the community. They are good for people taking a nap or enjoying a piece of quiet moment.
This is Smangus’s “7-11" Store which sells drinks, snack, and local handmade art and craft. “Yachu Restaurant” is located on the second floor of this building and is also the only restaurant in the community.
“Yachu Restaurant” provides tribal cuisine. Smoked fish and BBQed pork are their special dishes. Around 4:00 pm, suppers are prepared for the visitors.
雖然現在已經禁止捕獵,但在部落隨意走逛,仍可嗅得以前的打獵文化。 註:地上是以前捕獵用的陷阱
Although hunting is prohibited now, wandering on the streets you could still experience the hunting culture by spotting hunting traps from the old time.
“No matter where we live, we all must support each other and work diligently” this is a reminder from ancestors. It sounds very easy, but is tough to achieve. The booming of tourism almost caused Smangus to split due to the conflict of interest. The spirit of “team support” taught by the ancestors was almost destroyed. After some soul searching, leaders in the tribe realized that the old wisdom was the key to success. The “Cooperative Management” system was then built to keep the community united and properties protected from outsiders.
The “Smangus Tourist Information Center” provides lodging and meal services information. The center also provides free guided tours on every Saturday afternoon. The elderly residents would also share Smangus’s history with visitors in the evening.
very detailed and educational, wish i could visit one day as well. thank you.
Thanks Dennis! If you do come to visit some day , please let us know! :)
Que impresionado me han dejado, la comida se ve deliciosa, y la forma en que se preparan los alimentos se ve que saben muy buenos, por favor no dejen de publicar ya que su página enriquece el espiritu.
Los invito a mi web cultural.
Saldos desde Colima, México.
Hi, Guillermo, Thanks for your compliment! Glad to know that you also like the way they prepared the food. Thanks for sharing your cultural blog!
Muchas Gracias!
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