In the past, the aborigines in Taiwan hunt for food and utilized the local materials to make utensils; therefore, they would not suffer hunger. “Rock cooking” and “Giva” are the traditional cooking methods developed by the Amis tribe based upon their wisdom of adapting themselves to the Mother Nature. "What is “Rock cooking”"? “What is “Giva""? “How would they work”? To find out the answers, let’s go to Ma Tai An in Wua-Lien!
“Rock Cooking” is a traditional cooking method for Amis tribe. The natives cooked food in the water boiled by the pre-heated rocks. Rocks were heated until the color turned white and then poured into the water. While we were waiting for heating the rocks, we were preparing the food materials. We rolled up our pants, and got into the creek to catch some fish, and picked some vegetables!
Watercress is a wild water plant growing in cool water. Watercress is tasty, crunchy, and tender. It also has good nutrition and has been known to clear the dryness and moist the lung; suppress coughing; and diuretic…etc. with its herbal functions.
We cleaned the watercress and sliced the fish fillet. We then put some threaded ginger and water into the bamboo tube to cook. We were making utensils so that when the food was ready, we would be ready for it, or we could only stare at the food and lipped our mouths.
「吉發(Giva)」是傳統阿美族人的盛物器皿,通常是用榔檳樹的葉子製成的。 頭目發給大家一人一張檳榔葉鞘後,便開始講解吉發的製作步驟。大家很認真的看頭目示範,先平摺再來左褶右褶,然後用竹籤把葉子固定住,這樣就功告成了。看起來相當簡單,但是大夥仍摺的亂七八糟,不是兩邊不平均,就是弄的歪七扭八。更慘的是,還有人把竹籤給弄斷了。
“Giva” is a traditional food bowl of Amis’s tribe. It is made with Betel-Nut tree leaves. The chief distributed one leaf to each person and explained the making process. We watched the demonstration carefully. He showed us how to do the half fold, left fold, and right fold. He then inserted a stick to secure it. It looked very simple; however, it turned out that the folding of the leaves was crooked. The worst of all was the stick was broken.
This was how it looked after it was complete. Although the height of each side was not the same, the folding was crooked, and the stick was almost broken too, it was usable!
We then made the spoon. It was easy. We folded up the leaf to the same size as the bottom of the spoon, rolled the spoon handle up in the opposite direction, and then tightened the handle with bamboo string. The bottom of the spoon was kept in a 45 degree angle and the edges trimmed into round corners. The spoon was completed. It was a nice looking spoon and also was environmental friendly. We admired Amis’s talent!
The rocks were turning to gray white color from the heated wood charcoals. It looked like that the “Gas” was ready for cooking the fish soup. The gingers and fish fillet soup were boiled as soon as the heated rocks were put in. Additional rocks continued to be thrown in to increase the water temperature. As soon as the heated rocks were put in, the water started boiling. The chief joked to us” The only problem is that we can’t turn the gas down when it is too hot” The fumes were so thick!
After the small shrimp and fresh watercress were added, the delicious fish soup was ready. All of us could not wait to taste the soup. Was it good? I usually don’t drink soup, but I had 2 large bowls of soup, and you tell me it was good or not?
To adapt, respect, and live with the Mother Nature are the life philosophy of Taiwan’s aborigines. To utilize natural materials are part of their lifestyle. To take whatever is available in Mother Nature is their way of life. During the trip to Wua-Lien Ma Tai An, we experienced the cooking method and learned the Amis’s way of living. It has taught us a great deal!
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awesome read :) thank u
Thank U too!
How did you participate in this, is it a tourist event the tribe offers? Or did you know someone from the Ami tribe and had a private invitation?
Great blog btw, I've only recently discovered it and already found many ideas for my next visit. :-)
@Stefan-There are many Family Lodgings in Ma Tai An. They all provide similar activities, such as Palakau Fishing、Rock Cooking、Giva making and wetland ecological tours. They all need to be reserved ahead of time. Welcome you to come to Taiwan!
Thank you some much for the info! My wife is from Taiwan, so we go there every year.
@Stefan-If you are interested in Ma Tai An, don't forget to visit there next time you and your wife are here.
How do you go about making a reservation for the "Rock Cooking" and "Giva" making? Three of us are traveling in Taiwan for 2 weeks in March 2018 and would love to do this.
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