March 8, 2011

Yulungchuan Ecological Trail。Luye Yong’an Community


Yulungchuan is a natural mountain creek in Luye Yong’an Community, Taitung. With a few steps down, the clear stream water flow can be seen. Because of the incised valley terrain, it is rich with flora and fauna. Just by turning around a rock, you can find the 2- color tones crab (Geothelphusa Olea).


This small path along the Yulungchuan creek used to be the shortcut between Yong’an Community and Luye Plateau. After the road was built, the residents started to drive or bike. Because of this road, this small path has been abandoned until the residents re-built it as an Ecological Trail.


The trail starts from the village. In just a few steps down lies a stream with trickling water. The places shown with ripples in the photo are locations of the mountain springs.


The beginning part of the ecological trail is an elevated wooden pass. The creek flows below.


On both sides of the wooden pass are the crabs’ resting places. Mr. Liu, a volunteer tour guide, picked up a piece of rock and turned it around. A 2-color tones crab showed up with babies under her belly.


While I was searching the crabs, I found the black round shape seeds by the creek. This is the seed of Rusty-Leaf Muuna. They are so cute!


Towards the end of the wooden pass, you can enter the second part of the trail. I found another crab below the steps.


The trickling water flow began to flow faster and with more volumes in this area due to the terrain. The area is full of blossoming Butterfly Lilies. The fragrance of the flowers feels so satisfying.


Lots of abandoned ponds have become ecological ponds filled with water plants. It is a great place to observe frogs, dragonflies and damselflies. Nectar plants are around the ponds attracting many fluttering butterflies.


All kinds of frogs can be observed along the trail. During the peak time, be careful not to step on them. I was so excited by Mr. Liu’s description. The muddy trail here is covered by the colorful tires. The elevated used color- painted tires are for people to walk on so that the frogs and crabs would not be stepped on. This is a very thoughtful idea. Following this trail takes you to the Luye Plateau known for a breathtaking view.


  1. Amazing these little round stones were just shaped by nature. They look perfect!

    I used to be very scared of crabs when I was a kid, not sure why. We saw so many in Thailand and in Malaysia, some empty beaches were just covered my crabs and their little holes, that I was glad I wasn't scared of them anymore!

  2. 哈 好可愛的小蟹子

  3. @Zhu- I was scared of the crabs too when I was a kid, but now I think they are so cute and don't mind to touch them!

    @San- 的確很可愛呢!這是我第一次看到母蟹的肚子竟然還可以這樣保護著小蟹,大自然真奇妙!

  4. Very nice ecological trail! Those crabs are so cute!
    Let me remember the wetland park in Hong Kong!

  5. Thanks! Rafael I would definitely like to visit the wetland park in your area~~

  6. Hi girls,

    I just wanted to let you know I tagged you in my last post. Hope you can do it!

  7. Hi, Zhu, thank you so much in adding us for one of your recommendations. That is a honor! I will try to follow up with it,, I wonder if there is a deadline for it?.. Without updating new posts lately, Wandering Taiwan is still recommended by you, I really appreciate it~~
