January 28, 2011

Taitung Luye Plateau

「飛行傘的起跳場」Paragliding take-off field


Located in the Yongan community, Luye Plateau has a large field with special cliffs and flat terrain that makes an ideal place for paragliding. From April to September each year, players are gathering here to show off their talent. The gorgeous chessboard farmland can be viewed during take-off.


I finally arrived here, but due to an unsuitable weather for paragliding, I was not able to see them. Nevertheless, just by watching the open field, I had complaints.


There is a three-story pavilion on the open grass filed which offers a panoramic view of the mountains and green field.


Luye Plateau is famous for its tea and also the origin place of the champion tea “Fulu Tea”. While walking in the plateau, many busy tea workers are seen along the hills side of the tea garden.


With the temperature difference between day and night as well as the inherent geographical advantage, “FuluTea” provides a highly recognized sweet fragrance.


Many teashops are available in the Luye Plateau. Some of them offer a tea making DIY experience.


右 圖:這裡的飯是用蜜香紅茶煮成的紅茶飯,入口同時有淡淡的茶香與飯香。



“291 Tea Restaurant” provides excellent tea meals. Each meal contains tea flavor, so does the white rice. I was very impressed by each dish.

(Picture on the right): This is the black tea rice with pure tea and rice fragrances.

(Picture on the lower left): These appetizers were salted with tea oil. It has skinless peppers, radishes, cucumber, and other side dishes.

(Picture on the upper left): “Peeling chili tea oil chicken soup” is cooked with peeling chili tea oil. The chicken is a range chicken so the meat and soup were so tasty.



左 圖:要說我最喜歡的一道菜,那非「紅茶滷肉」莫屬了!滷肉Q彈入味,鹹度很剛好,而用紅茶為底來燉煮,去油也去膩,還有淡淡的茶香。即便我已經吃飽了還是忍不住一口接一口。

(Picture on the upper right): I really like this dish-“Stir-fry Bamboo shoot with tea oil”. The owner of the restaurant plants these bamboo shoots. They taste so sweet and fresh.

(Picture on the lower right): The “Fired tofu” dish- the tofu is wrapped with green tea powders and then deep-fried. The green tea has a grease reduction effect that makes the fry tofu taste crispy outside and soft inside without a greasy flavor.

(Picture on the left): My favorite dish is the “ Black tea braised pork”. It has a great taste. Since it is braised with black tea, the pork contains the tea fragrance. I could not help have one piece after another.


The restaurant is surrounded by the tea field owned by the owners, Mr Gan, Zhen Feng and his wife. It offers a great view. Since both of them are tea experts, all the dishes they prepared with tea flavors have attracted many famous restaurant chefs to come to learn!



  1. Wow! What place! Two plants are my favourites, grapes and tea, it's a real garden, so peacefull!

  2. Very comfortable place! The food are also attractive,
    I wanna try those tea and fired tofu!

  3. @ Jorge and Rafael- Thanks! These tea flavor dishes are very special, you will have to taste them yourself~~ :):)

  4. 很喜歡看來綠油油的大地

  5. was that your meal after visiting the tea plantation? must have been good... there are a few taiwanese tea cafes opening over here

  6. @ San- 在那綠地上,心情真的舒服,煩惱都自然消失了吔!

    @ Lechua- Yeap, that was our yummy meal!
    Have you tried the food in those tea cafes yet and are they good?

  7. Gorgeous photos! I've been here and the view was FANTASTIC. I'd love to come back and try out the tea houses & local delicacies like you did. :)

  8. Thanks for visiting us! I am sure you will definitely enjoy the yummy food there~~
