December 12, 2011

Green Onion Pancake DIY. Yilan Sanxing Township.


Have you heard of the Green Onion Pancake? Green Onion Pancake is a common street vendor food in Taiwan. It is a pancake with green onions embedded. Green onion is always needed when the dishes are made. Sprinkle some chopped green onions on top of the dishes can also make it attractive. Of course, we love green onions and they make green onion pancakes popular! A couple weeks ago, I came to the green onion town- Sanxing Township, Yilan to experience picking, washing, and making green onion pancakes with the farmer! What a great experience! I would like to share with you all.


“Sanxing Green Onion” is the most well known green onion in Taiwan. Unlike other green onions with the pungent smell, Sanxing green onion has longer white stem with a crispy delicious taste after it is stir fried. After a brief introduction and demonstration by Mr. Lee in the Green Onion DIY Farm, we went into the filed to pick the green onions ourselves.


It is not hard to pick the green onions; it just needs some techniques. Hold the white stem part and pull it out. Don’t pull it by holding the green stem part that can break the entire stem.



After the green onions were picked, they needed to be washed. A lot of green onion washing ponds are present in the Sanxing Township.

PS: The water looks muddled after a 2-day rain. It gets clear after a few days.


Ingredients: All-purpose flour 600g, hot water 300g, cold water 100g, chopped green onions, white peppers (less salt), and oil.


1. 把麵粉全數倒入鋼盆,接著倒入剛滾好的熱水,用筷子或攪拌棒和勻。這個步驟叫「燙麵」,讓蔥油餅的口感可以更柔Q,而不會太過乾硬。

2. 接著倒入冷水後,開始「和麵」。麵團要和到不黏手不黏鍋後,再拿到桌上來繼續「揉麵」,揉到不黏桌且麵團成光滑樣為止。

3. 用包鮮膜或塑膠袋包覆好(空氣要完全擠掉),放至一個小時「醒麵」。

4. 麵團醒好後,把它分成十小塊。在桌上倒一點油,再取一小塊麵團,開始桿麵,桿成薄的長圓形。

5. 把蔥末加入適量的白胡椒鹽,均勻攪拌。再取適量均鋪於麵皮上。

6. 接著,把麵皮捲起來,捲成長條狀後,再捲成鍋牛狀,收尾。

7. 放至五分鐘後,就可以壓平,下鍋煎囉!


1. Stir well the flour mixed with boiled water to make the flour texture flexible and less hard.

2. Add cold water and then start to knead the flour. Keep kneading until it is not sticky in hands and table to become smooth dough.

3. Place the dough in a plastic bag or wrapped with wrapper (seal well with no air in it) and wait for an hour.

4. Divide the dough into 10 small pieces. Add a bit oil on the table and roll a piece of dough into a thin round shape.

5. Sprinkle chopped green onion and white pepper on top.

6. Roll it up to become a long round shape, and curl it up into a small round dough.

7. After it sits for five munities, flatten the dough and fry it in the pan.


After the demonstration, we started to make our own. Due to the limited time, the dough was readily provided so we skipped this process to start step 4. The right bottom photo showing the pancake that I made, not bad, isn’t it?


We all carefully made our pancakes and we had so much fun. We added lots of chopped green onion since we all love to eat green onion. After they were made, it was time to fry them in the pan. It looks a bit greasy, but it smelled so good and made my mouth watering.


My friend’s facial expression can tell you how it tastes! Indeed, with the crispy outside and soft inside, it tastes extremely delicious!


It was a fun experience! When you come to Yilan, don’t forget to stop by “Green Onion DIY Farm” to experience it yourself!

【蔥仔寮體驗農場】“Green Onion DIY Farm”

電話 TEL:0937-995104


Address:No.13-2, Dongxing Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County



“Sanxing Green Onion Exhibition” is also located in town. It provides the related information of the Sanxing Green Onion (unfortunately the information is in Chinese), food court, the green onion made products, such as, green onion oil, paste, noodle, and egg rolls.. etc. It also has the green onion flavored ice cream.

「三星青蔥文化館」Sanxing Green Onion Exhibition

「蔥口味的冰淇淋」Green onion flavored ice cream.


  1. You guys always find the coolest places and things to do in Taiwan :)
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Thank you, Kd. We are glad that you are enjoying Wandering Taiwan~

  3. Oh, I would love that! I'm a big fan of bread delicacies, and green onion can leave a very subtle taste.

  4. Thanks, Zhu! Try to make one at home, and you will love it~

  5. I'm trying to wrap my head around green onion ice cream. It must have a ton of sugar to offset the onion taste.

  6. Hi, Jean The ice cream is not too sweet, but it does have green onion flavor. I think some people may not get used to it.
    Happy 2012 to you~~

  7. My mouth is watering, I love onion cakes.

    Green onion ice cream? Only in Taiwan!

  8. Hi, Rich, I love onion cakes too, especially the one that has tons of onions in it~
    Isn't Taiwanese creative! :)

  9. I made this today, and it was delicious! Thank you for the recipe, it is so quick and easy, and surprisingly flavorful. Mmm, green onions...

  10. hi, is the sanxing green onions available in mid January?
